Flatten the Curve by Julian Montague Online Sale

”I don’t know what things are like in your cities, but in mine there are far too many people acting like nothing is wrong (the bars were still packed over the weekend). If we don’t all try to practice social distancing this situation is going to be very bad. I was inspired by my IG associate @peimsloot to design some kind graphic for the cause, he has been making posters to get the message out.“ 3 17 20 Julian Montague
Feel free to re-post. #canceleverything #stayhome #covid_19 #julianmontaguedesign #flattenthecurve
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Size | 8" x 10", 11" x 14", 11" x 17", 16" x 20", 16" x 24", 17" x 22", 18" x 24", 20" x 30", 36" x 46" |